Xenapp 7.15 Apps Not Displaying For Macos Users

What happens when users close down a published application running on XenApp but the session remains running with the Application not running Application State?

Sep 19, 2016  A few days ago we saw the release of XenApp & XenDesktop 7.11, a huge release in terms of features. As a CTP I’ve had the privilege of working on an early build in my lab (thank you Juan & XA/XD product team!) and I tell you, the feature set in this release really brings FMA architecture to a well rounded solution with some of the previous IMA based based features present in 6.5 and the. Visibility: limits which users can see the application in Citrix Receiver; an invisible application can still be started; to make it unavailable as well as invisible, add it to a different group (Limit Visibility) Working directory (Location) Application changes may not take effect for current application users until they log off their sessions.

When publishing an application through XenApp we tell XenApp about the main applications executable file and where to find it for launch purposes. Applications however can start up numerous processes and it is when the main executable cannot close these extra processes at the time of application closure that this error occurs.

Using Citrix Director you can see the processes that are still lingering. To find out which one is causing the application not to properly close, end each user process one at a time. Once you end a process and the session logs off, you’ve found the culprit. In my case, it was the Authenticator.exe process stopping a session from ending.

To fix, you must include the affected process name in the LogoffCheckSysModules registry value. To do this, edit your XenApp servers or gold image and enter the process name within the LogoffCheckSysModules value which can be found under HKLM -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Citrix -> wfshell -> TWI.

Now when you close the application, the Authenticator.exe process is ended and in turn the session ends.

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Symptoms or Error

When users launch a published application in a published desktop on XenApp, the applications do not launch. However, launching the same applications outside the published desktop, works as expected.


Xenapp 7.15 Apps Not Displaying For Macos Users In Firefox

No errors are logged in the event viewer of the XenApp server or Web Interface server when applications are launched from within the published desktop. Also, other logs reveal no errors or problems on launching the applications.

Xenapp 7.15 Apps Not Displaying For Macos Users


Caution! Refer to the Disclaimer at the end of this article before using Registry Editor.

Check the registry settings of the affected users to see if the following registry key is present: HKEY_Current_UserSoftwareCitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown Profiles
If this does not exist, copy from a working profile or download the attached template file.

Problem Cause

The Citrix Receiver client software installation is corrupt or some required registry settings are missing.

Additional Resources

CTX137494 - Receiver Clean-up Utility
CTX804493 - Users Prompted to Download, Run, Open Launch.ica File, Instead of Launching Connection
CTX132875 - Citrix Receiver Error 2320


Caution! Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it.