Kali Linux Distributions For Macos 2019

  1. Kali Linux 2019.1 Iso
  2. Kali Linux Distributions For Macos 2019 Date
  3. Kali Linux Distributions For Macos 2019 Update
  4. Kali Linux Distributions For Macos 2019 Calendar
  5. Kali Linux 2019.3 Iso
  6. Kali Linux 2019.1
  • Apr 29, 2020  To help with this transition, for this release only (Kali 2019.3), there is a one-off, extra image called kali-linux-large-2019.3-amd64.iso, that contains all previous default tools.
  • Jan 09, 2019 Kali is relatable for its realism and attention to detail. Kali Linux is Debian based OS that means all the software that you need can be installed the Debian commands. From 2020.1 release, Kali Linux distribution has switched to non-root user login as default. This is as part of a new security model.

What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux Policies 1.6. Summary Exercise Chapter 1 - Setting up our environment KLCP Practice Quiz #1 2. GETTING STARTED WITH KALI. Downloading Kali Linux Booting Kali in Live Mode 2.3. Sep 07, 2019  Enlightenment 0.22.4 on kali linux 2019.3 Enlightenment started out way back in 1996 as a project to build a Window Manager for X11. It has grown. Apr 16, 2020  Linux Mint is a great ‘default’ distro for new Linux users, as it comes with a lot of the software you’ll need when switching from Mac or Windows, such as LibreOffice, the favored.

Kali Linux is a Security Distribution of Linux specifically designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the rewrite of BackTrack. BackTrack was their previous information security Operating System. The first iteration of Kali Linux was Kali 1.0.0 was introduced in March 2013. Offensive Security currently funds and supports Kalin Linux. If you were to visit Kali's website today (www.kali.org), you would see a large banner stating, 'Our Most Advanced Penetration Testing Distribution, Ever.' A very bold statement that ironically has yet to be disproven.

Kali Linux has over 600 preinstalled penetration-testing applications to discover. Each program with its unique flexibility and use case. Kali Linux does excellent job separating these useful utilities into the following categories:

  1. Information Gathering
  2. Vulnerability Analysis
  3. Wireless Attacks
  4. Web Applications
  5. Exploitation Tools
  6. Stress Testing
  7. Forensics Tools
  8. Sniffing & Spoofing
  9. Password Attacks
  10. Maintaining Access
  11. Reverse Engineering
  12. Reporting Tools
  13. Hardware Hacking

In this beginners tutorial, you will learn:

Who uses Kali Linux and Why?

Kali Linux is truly a unique operating system, as its one of the few platforms openly used by both good guys and bad guys. Security Administrators, and Black Hat Hackers both use this operating system extensively. One to detect and prevent security breaches, and the other to identify and possibly exploit security breaches. The number of tools configured and preinstalled on the operating system, make Kali Linux the Swiss Army knife in any security professionals toolbox.

Professionals that use Kali Linux

  1. Security Administrators – Security Administrators are responsible for safeguarding their institution's information and data. They use Kali Linux to review their environment(s) and ensure there are no easily discoverable vulnerabilities.
  2. Network Administrators – Network Administrators are responsible for maintaining an efficient and secure network. They use Kali Linux to audit their network. For example, Kali Linux has the ability to detect rogue access points.
  3. Network Architects – Network Architects, are responsible for designing secure network environments. They utilize Kali Linux to audit their initial designs and ensure nothing was overlooked or misconfigured.
  4. Pen Testers – Pen Testers, utilize Kali Linux to audit environments and perform reconnaissance on corporate environments which they have been hired to review.
  5. CISO – CISO or Chief Information Security Officers, use Kali Linux to internally audit their environment and discover if any new applications or rouge configurations have been put in place.
  6. Forensic Engineers – Kali Linux posses a 'Forensic Mode', which allows a Forensic Engineer to perform data discovery and recovery in some instances.
  7. White Hat Hackers – White Hat Hackers, similar to Pen Testers use Kali Linux to audit and discover vulnerabilities which may be present in an environment.
  8. Black Hat Hackers – Black Hat Hackers, utilize Kali Linux to discover and exploit vulnerabilities. Kali Linux also has numerous social engineer applications, which can be utilized by a Black Hat Hacker to compromise an organization or individual.
  9. Grey Hat Hackers – Grey Hat Hackers, lie in between White Hat and Black Hat Hackers. They will utilize Kali Linux in the same methods as the two listed above.
  10. Computer Enthusiast – Computer Enthusiast is a pretty generic term, but anyone interested in learning more about networking or computers, in general, can use Kali Linux to learn more about Information Technology, networking, and common vulnerabilities.

Kali Linux Installation Methods

Kali Linux can be installed using the following methods:

Ways to Run Kali Linux:

  1. Directly on a PC, Laptop – Utilizing a Kali ISO image, Kali Linux can be installed directly onto a PC or Laptop. This method is best if you have a spare PC and are familiar with Kali Linux. Also, if you plan or doing any access point testing, installing Kali Linux directly onto Wi-Fi enabled laptop is recommended.
  2. Virtualized (VMware, Hyper-V, Oracle VirtualBox, Citrix) – Kali Linux supports most known hypervisors and can be easily into the most popular ones. Pre-configured images are available for download from www.kali.org, or an ISO can be used to install the operating system into the preferred hypervisor manually.
  3. Cloud (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure) – Given the popularity of Kali Linux, both AWS and Azure provide images for Kali Linux.
  4. USB Boot Disc – Utilizing Kali Linux's ISO, a boot disc can be created to either run Kali Linux on a machine without actually installing it or for Forensic purposes.
  5. Windows 10 (App) – Kali Linux can now natively run on Windows 10, via the Command Line. Not all features work yet as this is still in beta mode.
  6. Mac (Dual or Single boot) – Kali Linux can be installed on Mac, as a secondary operating system or as the primary. Parallels or Mac's boot functionality can be utilized to configure this setup.

Install Kali Linux using Virtual Box

The easiest method and arguably the most widely used is installing Kali Linux and running it from Oracle's VirtualBox.

This method allows you to continue to use your existing hardware while experimenting with the featured enriched Kali Linux in a completely isolated environment. Best of all everything is free. Both Kali Linux and Oracle VirtualBox are free to use. This tutorial assumes you have already installed Oracle's VirtualBox on your system and have enabled 64-bit Virtualization via the Bios.

Step 1) Go to https://images.offensive-security.com/virtual-images/kali-linux-2019.2-vbox-amd64.ova

This will download an OVA image, which can be imported into VirtualBox

Step 2) Open the Oracle VirtualBox Application, and from the File, Menu select Import Appliance

File Menu -> Import Appliance

Step 3) On the following screen 'Appliance to Import' Browse to the location of the downloaded OVA file and click Open

Step 4) Once you click Open, you will be taken back to the 'Appliance to Import' simply click Next

Step 5) The following screen 'Appliance Settings' displays a summary of the systems settings, leaving the default settings is fine. As shown in the screenshot below, make a note of where the Virtual Machine is located and then click Import.

Step 6) VirtualBox will now Import the Kali Linux OVA appliance. This process could take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Step 7) Congratulations, Kali Linux has been successfully installed on VirtualBox. You should now see the Kali Linux VM in the VirtualBox Console. Next, we'll take a look at Kali Linux and some initial steps to perform.

Step 8) Click on the Kali Linux VM within the VirtualBox Dashboard and click Start, this will boot up the Kali Linux Operating System.

Step 9) On the login screen, enter 'Root' as the username and click Next.

Step 10) As mentioned earlier, enter 'toor' as the password and click SignIn.

You will now be present with the Kali Linux GUI Desktop. Congratulations you have successfully logged into Kali Linux.

Getting Started with Kali Linux GUI

The Kali Desktop has a few tabs you should initially make a note of and become familiar with. Applications Tab, Places Tab, and the Kali Linux Dock.

Applications Tab – Provides a Graphical Dropdown List of all the applications and tools pre-installed on Kali Linux. Reviewing the Applications Tab is a great way to become familiar with the featured enriched Kali Linux Operating System. Two applications we'll discuss in this tutorial are Nmap and Metasploit. The applications are placed into different categories which makes searching for an application much easier.

Accessing Applications

Step 1) Click on Applications Tab

Step 2) Browse to the particular category you're interested in exploring

Step 3) Click on the Application you would like to start.

Places Tab – Similar to any other GUI Operating System, such as Windows or Mac, easy access to your Folders, Pictures and My Documents is an essential component. Places on Kali Linux provides that accessibility that is vital to any Operating System. By default, the Places menu has the following tabs, Home, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos, Computer and Browse Network.

Accessing Places

Step 1) Click on the Places Tab

Step 2) Select the location you would like to access.

Kali Linux Dock – Similar to Apple Mac's Dock or Microsoft Windows Task Bar, the Kali Linux Dock provides quick access to frequently used / favorite applications. Applications can be added or removed easily.

To Remove an Item from the Dock

Step 1) Right-Click on the Dock Item

Step 2) Select Remove From Favorites

To Add Item to Dock

Adding an item to the Dock is very similar to removing an item from the Dock

Step 1) Click on the Show Applications button at the bottom of the Dock

Step 2) Right Click on Application

Step 3) Select Add to Favorites

Once completed the item will be displayed within the Dock

Kali Linux has many other unique features, which makes this Operating System the primary choice by Security Engineers and Hackers alike. Unfortunately, covering them all is not possible within this tutorial; however, you should feel free to explore the different buttons displayed on the desktop.

What is Nmap?

Network Mapper, better known as Nmap for short is a free, open-source utility used for network discovery and vulnerability scanning. Security professionals use Nmap to discover devices running in their environments. Nmap also can reveal the services, and ports each host is serving, exposing a potential security risk. At the most basic level, consider Nmap, ping on steroids. The more advanced your technical skills evolve the more usefulness you'll find from Nmap

Nmap offers the flexibility to monitor a single host or a vast network consisting of hundreds if not thousands of devices and subnets. The flexibility Nmap offers has evolved over the years, but at its core, it's a port-scanning tool, which gathers information by sending raw packets to a host system. Nmap then listens for responses and determines if a port is open, closed or filtered.

The first scan you should be familiar with is the basic Nmap scan that scans the first 1000 TCP ports. If it discovers a port listening it will display the port as open, closed, or filtered. Filtered meaning a firewall is most likely in place modifying the traffic on that particular port. Below is a list of Nmap commands which can be used to run the default scan.

Nmap Target Selection

Scan a single IP


Scan a host

nmap www.testnetwork.com

Scan a range of IPs


Scan a subnet


Scan targets from a text file

nmap -iL list-of-ipaddresses.txt

How to Perform a Basic Nmap Scan on Kali Linux

To run a basic Nmap scan in Kali Linux, follow the steps below. With Nmap as depicted above, you have the ability to scan a single IP, a DNS name, a range of IP addresses, Subnets, and even scan from text files. For this example, we will scan the localhost IP address.

Step 1) From the Dock menu, click on the second tab which is the Terminal

Step 2) The Terminal window should open, enter the command ifconfig, this command will return the local IP address of your Kali Linux system. In this example, the local IP address is

Step 3) Make a note of the local IP Address

Step 4) In the same terminal window, enter nmap, this will scan the first 1000 ports on the localhost. Considering this is the base install no ports should be open.

Step 5) Review results

By default, nmap only scans the first 1000 ports. If you needed to scan the complete 65535 ports, you would simply modify the above command to include -p-.

Nmap OS Scan

Another basic but useful feature of nmap is the ability to detect the OS of the host system. Kali Linux by default is secure, so for this example, the host system, which Oracle's VirtualBox is installed on, will be used as an example. The host system is a Windows 10 Surface. The host system's IP address is

In the Terminal window enter the following nmap command:

Review results

Adding -A tells nmap to not only perform a port scan but also try to detect the Operating System.

Nmap is a vital utility in any Security Professional toolbox. Use the command nmap -h to explore more options and commands on Nmap.

What is Metasploit?

The Metasploit Framework is an open source project that provides a public resource for researching vulnerabilities and developing code that allows security professionals the ability to infiltrate their own network and identify security risk and vulnerabilities. Metasploit was recently purchased by Rapid 7 (https://www.metasploit.com). However, the community edition of Metasploit is still available on Kali Linux. Metasploit is by far the world's most used Penetration utility.

It is important that you are careful when using Metasploit because scanning a network or environment that is not yours could be considered illegal in some instances. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to start Metasploit and run a basic scan on Kali Linux. Metasploit is considered an advance utility and will require some time to become adept, but once familiar with the application it will be an invaluable resource.

Metasploit and Nmap

Within Metasploit, we can actually utilize Nmap. In this case, you'll learn how to scan your local VirtualBox subnet from Metasploit using the Nmap utility we just learned about.

Step 1) On the Applications Tab, scroll down to 08-Exploitation Tools and then select Metasploit

Step 2) A terminal box will open, with MSF in the dialog, this is Metasploit

Step 3) Enter the following command

(be sure to replace with your local IP address)


db_ stands for database

-V Stands for verbose mode

-sV stands for service version detection

Metasploit Exploit Utility

Metasploit very robust with its features and flexibility. One common use for Metasploit is the Exploitation of Vulnerabilities. Below we'll go through the steps of reviewing some exploits and trying to exploit a Windows 7 Machine.

Step 1) Assuming Metasploit is still open enter Hosts -R in the terminal window. This adds the hosts recently discovered to Metasploit database.

Step 2) Enter 'show exploits', this command will provide a comprehensive look at all the exploits available to Metasploit.

Step 3) Now, try to narrow down the list with this command: search name: Windows 7, this command searches the exploits which specifically include windows 7, for the purpose of this example we will try to exploit a Windows 7 Machine. Depending on your environment, you will have to change the search parameters to meet your criteria. For example, if you have Mac or another Linux machine, you will have to change the search parameter to match that machine type.

Step 4) For the purposes of this tutorial we will use an Apple Itunes vulnerability discovered in the list. To utilize the exploit, we must enter the complete path which is displayed in the list: use exploit/windows/browse/apple_itunes_playlist

Step 5) If the exploit is successful the command prompt will change to display the exploit name followed by > as depicted in the below screenshot.

Step 6) Enter show options to review what options are available to the exploit. Each exploit will, of course, have different options.


In sum, Kali Linux is an amazing operating system that is widely used by various professionals from Security Administrators, to Black Hat Hackers. Given its robust utilities, stability, and ease of use, it's an operating system everyone in the IT industry and computer enthusiast should be familiar with. Utilizing just the two applications discussed in this tutorial will significantly aid a firm in securing their Information Technology infrastructure. Both Nmap and Metasploit are available on other platforms, but their ease of use and pre-installed configuration on Kali Linux makes Kali the operating system of choice when evaluating and testing the security of a network. As stated previously, be careful using the Kali Linux, as it should only be used in network environments which you control and or have permission to test. As some utilities, may actually cause damage or loss of data.

2.6 GB

Kali Linux is preinstalled with over 600 penetration-testing programs, including nmap (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packet analyzer), John the Ripper (a password cracker), Aircrack-ng (a software suite for penetration-testing wireless LANs), Burp suite and OWASP ZAP (both web application security scanners). Kali Linux can run natively when installed on a computer's hard disk, can be booted from a live CD or live USB, or it can run within a virtual machine. It is a supported platform of the Metasploit Project's Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing security exploits.

It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the rewrite of BackTrack, their previous forensics Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. The third core developer Raphaël Hertzog joined them as Debian expert.

Kali Linux is based on Debian Wheezy. Most packages Kali uses are imported from the Debian repositories.

Kali Linux is developed in a secure location with only a small number of trusted people that are allowed to commit packages, with each package being signed by the developer. Kali also has a custom built kernel tha is patched for injection. This was primarily added because the development team found they needed to do a lot of wireless assessments.

What's New:

We are incredibly excited to announce our fourth and final release of 2019, Kali Linux 2019.4, which is available immediately for download.

2019.4 includes some exciting new updates:

  • A new default desktop environment, Xfce
  • New GTK3 theme (for Gnome and Xfce)
  • Introduction of “Kali Undercover” mode
  • Kali Documentation has a new home and is now Git powered
  • Public Packaging – getting your tools into Kali
  • Kali NetHunter KeX – Full Kali desktop on Android
  • BTRFS during setup
  • Added PowerShell
  • The kernel is upgraded to version 5.3.9
  • … Plus the normal bugs fixes and updates.

New Desktop Environment and GTK3 Theme

There are a ton of updates to go over for this release, but the most in your face item that everyone is going to notice first are the changes to the desktop environment and theme. So let’s cover that first.

An update to the desktop environment has been a long time coming. We have been talking about how to address this, what we wanted to do, experimenting on different approaches, and so on for months now. As a summary we had a few issues we wanted to address head-on:

Kali linux distributions for macos 2019 1
  • Performance issues – Gnome is a fully-featured desktop environment with a ton of awesome things it can do. But all these features comes with overhead, often overhead that is not useful for a distribution like Kali. We wanted to speed things up, and have a desktop environment that does only what it’s needed for, and nothing else. Gnome has been overkill for most Kali users, as many just want a window manager that allows you to run multiple terminal windows at once, and a web browser.
  • Fractured user experience – We support a range of hardware, from the very high end to the very low. Because of this, traditionally our lower-end ARM builds have had a completely different UI than our standard. That’s not optimal, and we wanted to unify this experience so it did not matter if you were running on a bare metal install on a high end laptop or using a Raspberry Pi, the UI should be the same.
  • Modern look – We have been using the same UI for quite a while now, and our old theme maintainer had moved on due to lack of time. So we wanted to go with something fresh, new, and modern.

To help us address these items, we tracked down Daniel Ruiz de Alegría and started the development of a new theme running on Xfce. Why Xfce? After reviewing the above issues, we felt that Xfce addressed them best while still being accessible to the majority of users.

The solution we’ve committed to is lightweight and can run on all levels of Kali installs. It is functional in that it handles the various needs of the average user with no changes. It is approachable where it uses standard UI concepts we are all familiar with to ensure there is no learning curve. And it looks great with modern UI elements that make efficient use of screen space.

We are really excited about this UI update, and we think you are going to love it. However, as UI can be a bit like religion, if you don’t want to leave Gnome don’t worry. We still have a Gnome build for you, with a few changes already in place. As time goes by, we will be making changes to all of the desktop environments we release installs to get them “close” to a similar user experience no matter what DE you run. There will be limits to this, as we don’t have the resources to heavily invest in tweaking all these different environments. So if there is something you would like to see, feel free to submit a feature request!

We have also released a FAQ about the new theme that you can find on our docs page. This includes some common items like how to switch to the theme on your existing install, how to change off of it if you don’t like it, and so on.

Kali Undercover

With the change to the environment, we thought we would take a side step and do something fun. Thanks to Robert, who leads our penetration testing team, for suggesting a Kali theme that looks like Windows to the casual view, we have created the Kali Undercover theme.

Say you are working in a public place, hacking away, and you might not want the distinctive Kali dragon for everyone to see and wonder what it is you are doing. So, we made a little script that will change your Kali theme to look like a default Windows installation. That way, you can work a bit more incognito. After you are done and in a more private place, run the script again and you switch back to your Kali theme. Like magic!

Kali-Docs is now on Markdown and new home (/docs/)

This may not be as flashy as the new theme, but the changes to the docs we have done is just as significant.

One of our go-forward goals with Kali is to move more of the development into the public and make it as easy as possible for anyone (that means you!) to get involved and contribute to Kali. That’s what our move to GitLab earlier in the year was all about. Another part of this is changing how we deal with docs.

We have since moved all of our documentation into Markdown in a public Git repository. From here on out anyone, not just Kali staff, can contribute to better documentation through merge requests. We will still approve any content changes, but once merged, changes will be automatically available on the docs section of our website.

We encourage everyone to get involved! If you see something wrong in the existing docs, change it! If you have an idea for new docs, write it! These sorts of contributions make Kali better for everyone.

This is just the first step. With this change in place, coming soon watch for a kali-docs package in Kali that gives you full offline access to the documentation on every install of Kali. Perfect for those situations where you are working in a closed-off environment with no Internet access.

Public Packaging

One of the more significant new documents we have done is documenting how you can make a new package that will get included in Kali.

One of the most common bug reports is requests for us to add new tools or update existing ones. Oftentimes, by the tool developers themselves as they recognize that having their tool in the Kali repo is the easiest distribution channel for security assessment tools there is. The volume of this has always been difficult to keep up with, and we have to make some hard decisions on where to commit our limited resources.

Now with this work-flow in place and documented, you don’t have to wait on us. Go ahead and package up your tool and submit it off to us for approval. This is an awesome way to get involved with improving Kali.

BTRFS during setup

Another significant new addition to the documentation is the use of BTRFS as your root file system. This is an amazing approach documented by Re4son, that when done gives you the ability to do file system rollbacks after upgrades.

When you are in a VM and about to try something new, you will often take a snapshot in case things go wrong you can easily go back to a known-good state. However, when you run Kali bare metal that’s not so easy. So you end up being extra careful, or if things go wrong have a lot of manual clean up to do. With BTRFS, you have this same snapshot capability on a bare metal install!

As this is new, it’s not integrated into our installer yet. Once we get some feedback on how it’s working for everyone, the next step is to streamline this and make it an easier option in our installer. So if you try it out, be sure to let us know how it works for you!


On to other features, in case you missed it PowerShell is now in Kali (We have a blog post about it). This has been really great to bring the ability to execute PowerShell scripts directly on Kali.

NetHunter Kex – Full Kali Desktop on Android phones

Another feature we are super excited about is the introduction of NetHunter Kex. In a nutshell, this allows you to attach your Android device to an HDMI output along with Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and get a full, no compromise, Kali desktop. Yes. From your phone.

We had a live Penetration Testing with Kali course we were teaching, and NetHunter Kex was just in a beta stage. So we wanted to really push the limits. So, in the live course, what we did was attach a USB-C hub to our OnePlus7. This gave us HDMI and Ethernet access. We attached the HDMI to the projector and used a bluetooth keyboard/mouse. With this, we were able to do an entire PWK module from the phone.

This is a feature you have to see to believe. Until you experience it, you won’t fully understand what this provides. With a strong enough phone, this is very similar to using a nice full-featured portable ARM desktop that happens to fit in your pocket. The possible ways you can leverage this in assessments is huge.

To get a full breakdown on how to use NetHunter Kex, check out our docs at.


2019.4 is the last release that will support 8GB sdcards on ARM. Starting in 2020.1, a 16GB sdcard will be the minimum we support. You will always be able to create your own image that supports smaller cards if you desire.

  • RaspberryPi kernel was updated to 4.19.81, and the firmware package was updated to include the eeprom updates for the RaspberryPi 4.

During the release testing, a limited number of devices were not showing the Kali menu properly. This was not critical enough to delay the release, so instead as a work-around you can run the following command to display the menu correctly: apt update && apt dist-upgrade

Once this completes, log out, so you’re back at the login manager. Then switch to a console via CTRL+ALT+F11 (on the Chromebooks this is the key pointing left next to the ESC key).

Login and then run: rm -rf .cache/ .config/ .local/ && sync && reboot

After reboot, the menu will have the correct entries. We’re still looking into why it occurs on only some of the images.

Kali 2019.3 Release Notes

We are pleased to announce that our third release of 2019, Kali Linux 2019.3, is available immediately for download. This release brings our kernel up to version 5.2.9, and includes various new features across the board with NetHunter, ARM and packages (plus the normal bugs fixes and updates).​

As promised in our roadmap blog post, there are both user facing and backend updates.

NetHunter Updates

The NetHunter crew has been adding in features left, right, and center to their project. One thing to note is package management is done through the F-Droid compatible NetHunter store, so you can even choose to have a NetHunter device without any Google Play.

​The proxmark3 client supports RDV4 out of the box and NetHunter now also works with Android’s new partition layouts (A/B partitions no longer have one boot partition and one recovery partition. They are all the same, but twice! A few paths have also changed, such as /system now actually being under /system/system), which allows it to be built for the latest generation of devices.

Plus, there are new apps in the NetHunter app store, thanks to @mayank_metha for Rucky and the Termux team for Termux.

Kali Linux 2019.1 Iso

There are 4 additional images for you to try NetHunter on (some may look familiar, as they are back due to community demand):​

  • LG V20 International Edition
  • Nexus 5X
  • Nexus 10
  • OnePlus 7 (Our new flagship device!)

With this announcement, the OnePlus 7 is now the phone we recommend for Kali NetHunter. It is the latest and greatest flagship device for half the price of other devices. The specifications are as follows:

  • Snapdragon 855
  • 8GB RAM
  • 256GB storage
  • Still cheaper than Google pixel 3a (mid-range phone!) ;)

And here is a sneaky peak at the new boot animation, across all devices:


Kali Linux is Open Source, and Cloudflare hearts Open Source – so it’s a perfect match! As a result, CloudFlare has graciously allowed us to use their content delivery network (CDN) to mirror our repository, allowing us to now distribute our content through them. A more technical breakdown can be found on their blog.

We are currently running the CloudFlare services side by side with our standard and community mirrors.​

If you notice the kali.download domain appearing on screen when you run apt update, this means you’re using CloudFlare’s services.​

Kali Status

We now have a status page – status.kali.org. This provides an overview of all public facing domains and allows you to check if they are responding correctly. We have included all the sites we control, as well as the community mirrors for the repositories, allowing you to see everything you could possibly use (even if you are unaware)!​

Note: Our load balancer on http.kali.org should automatically detect when a mirror is not responding and redirect you to one that is. As such, apt should always work (even if slow at times).​


We already announced the changes to metapackages in a previous blog post, and the Kali tool listing page goes into more detail on it. However, to recap, the default toolset going forward has changed. To help with this transition, for this release only (Kali 2019.3), there is a one-off, extra image called kali-linux-large-2019.3-amd64.iso, that contains all previous default tools.​

Going forward, during our release cycle, we will be evaluating which tools belong to each group:​

  • Kali-linux-default – tools we believe are essential to a penetration tester
  • Kali-linux-large – for penetration testers who have a wider set of non standard/common situations
  • Kali-linux-everything – for those who want it all (and without Internet access during the assessment)

Kali Linux Distributions For Macos 2019 Date

​With the switchover to GitLab (read more here), we will soon begin accepting community package submissions. This means that anyone can directly submit improvements to us–anything from minor fixes and patches to complete tool packages is encouraged. We’re currently working through the documentation on how to create a package, making it easier for folks to get started and help out. More details to come later this year.

​We also noticed some packages failed to build on certain ARM architectures, which has now been fixed (allowing for more tools to be used on different platforms!).

Helper Scripts

There’s a wide range of tools in Kali. Some tools are designed to be used on Linux, some are designed for Windows (and we can still use them with WINE), and some are static resources. During our recent metapackage refresh, we took the time to create a few “helper scripts”.

You may have installed a package, gone ahead and typed in the package name to run it, and the response back was command not found. Not any more!

We understood it may not have been obvious how to use them straight away. As a result, all of our static resources should now be easy to find. Just type in the package name (Such as PayloadsAllTheThings, SecLists, WebShells and Wordlists to a name a few), you’ll see a brief description, a directory listing, and then be moved to the folder.​

Tool Updates & New Packages

As always, we have our updates for all our tools, including (but not limited to):​

  • Burp Suite
  • HostAPd-WPE
  • Hyperion
  • Kismet
  • Nmap

Kali Linux Distributions For Macos 2019 Update

​There is a new tool (and it is included by default), amass, that has been well received in the bug bounty world.


If you use the default Kali image, it is (currently) using GNOME for the desktop environment. If you used the command line for a period of time, chances are you noticed it was refreshing the repositories in the background. This has now been disabled.

ARM Update

For ARM devices this release, we have added support for the PINEBOOK as well as the Gateworks Ventana machines.

The RaspberryPi kernel has been bumped to version 4.19.66, which includes support for all of the RAM on 64-bit versions of the RaspberryPi 4. The RaspberryPi Zero W has seen improvements as well.

Bluetooth firmware that was accidentally dropped has been added back in, and the rc.local file has been fixed to properly stop dmesg spam from showing up on the first console.

All of the RaspberryPi images have had their /boot partition increased, which is required due to the size of the new kernel packages.

The ODROID-C2 has been bumped to the 3.16.72 for its kernel.

All images now run dpkg-reconfigure xfonts-base on their first boot – this will cause a bit of a slow down for the first boot, but the result is that if you use VNC to any of them, they will no longer show a blank screen.

Kali Linux Distributions For Macos 2019 Calendar

On the WSL front, we have added WSL ARM64 support, which you can find in the Windows store today.​

Kali Linux 2019.3 Iso

Official Kali Linux LXD Container Image Released

Kali Linux 2019.1

LXD is a next generation system container manager. It offers a user experience similar to virtual machines but using Linux containers instead.

It is image based with pre-made images available for a wide number of Linux distributions and we are excited to announce that Kali Linux is now one of them. We are working on the documentation but would like to share the excellent article from Simos Xenitellis in which he details how to install and run Kismet in a LXD Kali container.​

Setup Notes

A couple of notes when installing Kali. If you choose to install Kali in a VM (rather than downloading our pre-made image), during the setup process, it should now detect if its running in VMware or VirtualBox and install the necessary packages to give you the best experience possible. However, if you have upgraded Kali rather than doing a fresh install, and never got around to installing these packages, the process has been automated by just running kali-setup. This program will have more functionally at a later date.​

If you use Kali in a VirtualBox, please ensure you allocate 32 MB or more video memory to the VM, otherwise you may now run into some “interesting” issues where the screen is frozen after login through the graphical greeter, as if the computer had crashed, except that it’s working (you could confirm it by switching to another virtual terminal). If you are affected by this problem, you might see the following message from the kernel: [drm] Error -12 pinnning new fb, out of video mem?.​

If you are using Kali Linux via Vagrant, the path has now changed. It can now be found here: kalilinux/rolling.

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