Cordova Tooling For Ios Requires Apple Macos

  1. Cordova Tooling For Ios Requires Apple Macos Download
  2. Cordova Tooling For Ios Requires Apple Macos 10

Deploy to iOS using Cordova. Add iOS platform and plugins. Setup your iOS project. Deploy the app to iOS device or emulator. Clone the repo. Clone the watson-vehicle-damage-analyzer repo locally. In a terminal, run. Presenting Apple Music on Mac. The new Apple Music app is the ultimate music streaming experience on Mac. 1 Explore a library of 60 million songs, discover new artists and tracks, find the perfect playlist, download and listen offline, or enjoy all the music you’ve collected over the years. Installing 'cordova-plugin-whitelist' for android This plugin is only applicable for versions of cordova-android greater than 4.0. If you have a previous platform version, you do.not. need this plugin since the whitelist will be built in. Npm install -g cordova cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld cd hello - root@server hello# cordova platform add android Using cordova-fetch for cordova-android@7.0.0 Adding android project. Creating Cordova project for the Android platform: Path: platforms/android Package: com.example.hello Name: HelloWorld Activity. Unfortunately in the case of iOS, you will need a Mac in order to do this – this means it is not possible to build an iOS app without a Mac using this approach. PhoneGap Build:.If PhoneGap through the command line interface is the “normal” approach, then PhoneGap Build could be.

One of the most common complaints you’ll hear from pretty much every single person that decides to try their hand at mobile app development for iOS has to do with Apple Developer accounts. Apple Developer account required? $99/year?! Outrageous!

But wait, it turns out this is no longer the whole story.

  • The quickstart guide contains a detailed step by step process of integrating the Cordova plugin in your iOS app. It also provides steps to configure an app asset corresponding to your app on IMIconnect platform. Prerequisites To use IMIconnect SDK for your Mobile Application, Cordova installation.
  • Cordova contains the necessary build tools for packaging webapps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Shared tooling and dependencies, and better collaboration with teammates. For software development on Apple operating systems (macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS), with extensions available for other.

First off, yes, you do still need an Apple Developer account if you want to distribute your app in the App Store. Sorry to get your hopes up, but there’s no getting around it.

The good news is that you can develop and test your apps on your iOS device without a paid Apple Developer account. This is particularly great for developers who want to try out, or are just starting to develop, using a framework like Ionic, since it saves the cost but gets you a lot of the features of having a full Apple Developer account.

For a full breakdown of the features included, take a look here.


In order to take advantage of this, you’ll need three things:

  • Xcode 7 or higher
  • iOS 9
  • A free Apple ID

Sorry to break it to you PC users, but Xcode is still required, which means you still need a Mac.

Getting Set Up

To start, you’ll need to set up a provisioning profile to code sign your apps:

Cordova tools for ios requires apple macos
  1. Open Xode preferences (Xcode > Preferences…)
  2. Click the ‘Accounts’ tab
  3. Login with your Apple ID (+ > Add Apple ID…)

Once you’ve successfully logged in, a new ‘Personal Team’ with the role ‘Free’ will appear beneath your Apple ID.

Running Your App

Time to try it out. Let’s start by creating an Ionic 2 template app, and building it for iOS:

Once the build is complete, then open the .xcodeproj file in platforms/ios/ in Xcode, then click the play button to try to run your app on an iPhone connected to your Mac.

Oops, code signing error! No problem.

Code Signing in Xcode

What happens next will depend on if you are running Xcode 8 or an earlier version of Xcode. Let’s take a look.

Cordova Tooling For Ios Requires Apple Macos Download

XCode 7 and Earlier

If you are running Xcode 7 or earlier, you’ll get a code signing error that looks something like this when you try to run the app:

Click the ‘Fix Issue’ button, then select your ‘Personal Team’ profile.

XCode 8

Cordova Tooling For Ios Requires Apple Macos 10

If you are running Xcode 8, the code signing error will appear as a buildtime error, rather than as a pop-up:

To select the certificate to sign your app with, do the following:

  1. Go to the Project Editor by clicking the name or your project in the Project Navigator
  2. Select the ‘General’ section if it isn’t already
  3. Select the Personal Team you created earlier from the ‘Team’ dropdown in the ‘Signing’ section

Trusting the Certificate

Only one more step. Really, this is the last one. I know it’s been a long haul, but trust me on this.

Once you’ve code signed your app, you should get a launch error that looks like this:

To get past this, all we have to do now is tell our iOS device to trust the certificate we code signed our app with. To do this, in your iOS device open the ‘Settings’ app and go to ‘General > Device Management’. You’ll see the email address associated with the Apple ID you used to code sign your app. Tap it, then tap ‘Trust <your_email>’:

Now, go back to Xcode and hit that play button!

The template app should install and launch on your iPhone. Pretty sweet, and it didn’t cost you a dime.

Ionic View

Testing your Ionic app on an actual device brings a lot of advantages with respect to development, such as debugging in Xcode and testing Ionic Native plugins, but it still limits you to testing on your own device. Not ideal for sharing your work in progress with clients and co-workers, or for testing your changes across different devices and platforms.

These are just a couple of the reasons we built Ionic View, which lets you upload your app to Ionic, then view it from the Ionic View app, as though it were running as a standalone app installed on the device.

You can download Ionic View from the App Store or Google Play.


To upload your app, so that it’s usable in Ionic View, run:

ionic upload

Then log into your Ionic account in Ionic View to preview your app.

For more details on how to use Ionic View, check out the Ionic View docs.

Ionic Package

Hey PC users! All done with development and ready to roll your app out, but don’t have a Mac to package it into that precious, precious IPA file for submission to the Apple App Store? Not a problem. There are great services available that let you upload your Ionic project, then package your app for you. PhoneGap Build from Adobe is a long-standing favorite of the hybrid community.

Here at Ionic we offer Ionic Package, which makes the process as easy as creating a security profile in your Ionic account with the certificate and provisioning profile for your app, then running

ionic package build ios --profile <security_profile_name>